How to Clean Your Motorized Wheelchair- Expert Guide
For a Motorized Wheelchair user, their mobility vehicle is like a room in itself where they spend the most amount of their time. They use it for visiting the grocery store, using the public washrooms, driving to the neighbor’s house, playing with their dog, or roaming around their house. And since the wheelchair constantly comes in contact with a lot of external and internal surfaces, it can get contaminated quickly and in turn, spread pathogens quite easily. For the safety and hygiene of the user and the people around them, it is very important to do a regular clean-up of the motorized wheelchair. Proactive cleaning of the wheelchair can also help in maintaining its performance and adding more years to its life. In this blog we discuss about why cleaning a wheelchair makes sense, the steps to help you clean yours at home, and some useful tips to keep in mind. Let's begin! Why do you Need to Clean Your Motorized Wheelchair? Apart from your health and hyg...