What kind of wheelchairs do Para-Olympic athletes use in their day-to-day life

Some persons with impairments need equipment like mobility scooters, wheelchairs, or prosthetic limbs to do daily duties. However, athletes with disabilities have discovered that this commonplace equipment might hinder their athletic performance in their quest to go higher, faster, and longer. Significant new technological advancements in wheelchair design and prostheses have taken place to meet the needs of top athletes, as seen by innovative equipment designs such as seated throwing chairs, racing wheelchairs, and running prostheses. Determining whether the employment of a certain technology represents "performance improvement" or, rather, is "necessary for performance" is a constant dilemma for international sports organizations as technological advancements continue to provide chances for greater athletic performance. The typical wheelchair (or day-chair) has two bigger wheels at the back that may propel the user forward using push-rim...